Lightning Component For Spinner

Lightning Feb 15, 2017

This is extension of my recent post Lightning Utilities - Salesforce. This post talks about a lightning custom component for spinner that can be used at the time of loading anything. It has been made using Lightning design system. It has following features:

  1. Plug n play
  2. Use SLDS to display spinner as per Salesforce's branding
  3. Extra feature to display a text to display what type of action is going on.
  4. Can be used in different sizes.




Parameters available

Attribute Required? Description
type Yes Size of loader. Can be large, medium, small
show Yes Show or hide the spinner
spinnerText Optional Additional text to be displayed along with spinner. Can be used to display loading for particular context.


<c:Spinner show="true" type="large" spinnerText="Something happening.."/>

Lightning Utilities - Salesforce

Lightning Component For Lookup - LookupSobject

Lightning Component For Notification

Related Tags:

Lightning   Salesforce   Utilities   Component