Spring'18 is here - Customization
In this post, I am adding all key changes that Salesforce done in customization section to help administrators work efficiently.
Lightning App Builder
Edit Lightning Apps with the Lightning App Builder
ow when you edit a Lightning app from the App Manager in Setup, you’re brought into the Lightning App Builder to manage the app’s settings. Update app branding, navigation, app options, and manage the Lightning pages assigned to that app all in one place.
Manage Your Lightning Pages Inside the Lightning App Builder
Make Your Lightning App and Home Pages Dynamic
Setting visibility conditions for components isn’t limited to record pages anymore. Now you can set visibility rules on Lightning app and Home pages too.
App and Home pages aren’t associated with an object, so the filters you can use are limited to other contexts, such as User or Client. But that doesn’t mean that they’re less powerful. For instance, with a filter using the Client context you can set a component to display exclusively in one experience or the other, such as when an app page is viewed on a phone or a desktop.
Include Related Fields and Other Objects in Component Visibility Rules
Previously, you could only define component visibility rules on Lightning record pages based on the fields directly on the record. Now you can create filters that are much more robust.
Flow Changes
Call JavaScript Directly from Your Flow with Local Actions (Pilot)
Pull data from an on-premises or private cloud database directly into your flow without going through the Salesforce server. Or do things directly in the browser, such as open a particular URL or confirm that a record was created with a toast message. With flow local actions, you can call the JavaScript controller of an associated Lightning component, which means you can integrate directly with the browser. This feature is new in both Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic. However, it’s supported only in Lightning flow runtime.
Upload Files Directly from a Flow
With just a few clicks, your users can attach files during a flow. Just add the File Upload component to your flow screens using a Lightning component field. This feature is new in Lightning Experience. However, it works only for flows that use Lightning runtime.
To add the File Upload component to a flow screen, add a Lightning component field to the screen. For Lightning Component, select forceContent:fileUpload. Then configure the attributes.
Launch Flows as Subtabs in Lightning Console Apps (Pilot)
aunch a Flow from an Object-Specific Action (Generally Available)
Add flows to the action menu on your Lightning pages without hunting down the flow’s URL. When you create a flow action, you can pick from a list of available flows rather than enter the flow URL manually. This feature is available in Lightning Experience and all versions of the Salesforce app.
Start Flows Dynamically from Apex
Previously, you could start a flow interview from Apex, but you had to hardcode the flow name in your method. Which means for every flow, you had to write a different method. With createInterview(), you can write one method to start an interview for any flow.
Track Time with the Time Field Type (Beta)
The time field type, which was a private beta release in Winter ’18, is now a public beta release. Use this custom field type to track time that is not specific to a single date, such as preferred contact hours. The time field type is useful for time management, event planning, and project management. This feature is available in Lightning Experience, Salesforce Classic, and all versions of the Salesforce app.
The time field type is like a timestamp minus the date. You can select the time field type when you create a custom field.
To support using time in formulas, this beta release includes the TIMEVALUE and TIMENOW functions, as well as new HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, and MILLISECOND functions.
Control the Visibility of Roles and the Role Hierarchy with a New Permission
Grant and revoke permissions to view roles and the role hierarchy in your org with the new View Roles and Role Hierarchy permission. Previously, only users with the View Setup and Configuration permission could view roles.
Assign Separate Standard Action Overrides for Different Experiences
The action override screen for standard actions, like New, View, and Edit, has gotten a makeover. Now you can easily assign different overrides for Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience, and mobile
Access Schema Settings in Setup
You can now manage the availability of the list custom settings type when creating custom settings. The list type provides a reusable set of static data that you can access across your org. To prevent creating custom settings when using application-level data definitions, disable this option in Setup.